BlackRock hosts Panel Discussion and Networking Event
On Wednesday, November 6th, approximately sixty ACP Protégés, BlackRock Mentors and BlackRock employees met in New York City for a networking event and panel discussion on Investment Management.
BlackRock Vice Chairman, Kendrick R. Wilson III, kicked-off the event with a welcome message followed by highlights on the ACP/BlackRock partnership by ACP Founder, Sid Goodfriend. Richie Prager, head of BlackRock's Trading and Liquidity Strategies Group, moderated a panel that featured Tom M. Fortin, head of BlackRock's Platform and Integration group; Tom Wojcik, head of BlackRock's Investor Relations team; Chris Vogel, global head of Fixed Income and Currency Trading within BlackRock's Trading and Liquidity Strategies Group; and Matthew Tavormina, Vice President and member of BlackRock's Investment Operations Group.
After a spirited discussion and question and answer session, attendees mingled over delicious refreshments while getting to know one another.
ACP would like to extend a special thanks to Jessica McAnneny of BlackRock for organizing this spectacular event.