BlackRock Hosts a Networking Event in New York City
On Wednesday, April 4, BlackRock hosted an event in New York City for BlackRock's Mentors and Protégés involved in the ACP mentoring program, along with BlackRock’s Veteran’s Network and other senior BlackRock individuals. The Vice Chairman of BlackRock, Ken Wilson, addressed attendees, sharing his thoughts about his own experiences as a returning veteran after serving in Vietnam and the importance of continuing to mentor veterans who are establishing new careers in the private sector. Ken also shared an anecdote from an ACP Protégé who praised his BlackRock mentor for his invaluable support during the transition process. In addition, the event marked BlackRock's one-year anniversary in the ACP program, and all involved are looking forward to the second year of the partnership and assisting many more veterans in the years to come.
BlackRock Vice Chairman Kendrick Wilson addresses the group.
Left: ACP Protege William Harrison and ACP BlackRock Mentor Will Landers.
Right: ACP veteran Protege Efrain Caldera, US Air Force, and his
BlackRock ACP Mentor Ted Jaeckel.
ACP New York Protege George Constantine and Keir Daniels, ACP Alum and BlackRock employee.