ACP Presents: Careers at Vanguard
On May 4th, Vanguard joined ACP in hosting a "Careers at Vanguard" webinar for interested ACP Protégés. The event featured a panel of Vanguard crew members who have served in the US Army, US Army Reserves, and the US Air Force and spoke about company culture, career paths, job opportunities, and support for veteran employees. The panelists represented roles in leadership, HR, operations, as well as advice & service divisions of the company. They also discussed why they came to Vanguard, what resonated with their career objectives and the Vanguard mission to take a stand for others, how they navigated their own transition from military service to the civilian sector, and how best to set yourself up for success when applying for positions at Vanguard. The event concluded with a live Q&A portion and Vanguard speakers provided their LinkedIn information to further connect with the ACP community. ACP would like to thank Sean E., Josh, Aaron, and Sean G. for making this event possible.