ACP Presents Award for Excellence in Veteran Engagement and Integration to AT&T
On Tuesday, June 27, ACP’s Founder and Chairman Sid Goodfriend presented the ACP Award for Excellence in Veteran Engagement and Integration to the Chairman and CEO of AT&T, Randall Stephenson at AT&T Headquarters in Dallas, Texas.
This award is given to a company and its Chief Executive Officer who lead by example in the recruiting, hiring, training and retention of returning U.S. veterans so they may develop lasting careers. ACP is not only appreciative of AT&T's continued support as a Partner Company, but also the company's active engagement in the veteran community.
Since 2010, ACP and AT&T have enjoyed a terrific partnership supporting veterans through career mentoring. During that time more than 300 AT&T employees and post-9/11 veterans have worked in a one-on-one yearlong mentorship. An additional 100 AT&T employees have provided online professional guidance to thousands of veterans via ACP's networking site, ACP AdvisorNet.
In the process, the people of ACP have been privileged to see close-up the extensive and creative commitment that AT&T has to our nation’s veterans. In addition to mentoring veterans with ACP, the company is dedicated to hiring veterans, supporting their career development, and investing in veteran-owned businesses.
The record is impressive. On the hiring front, from 2013 to 2016 AT&T brought on 12,000 veterans, exceeding its goal to hire 5,000 veterans within five years. Subsequently, CEO Randall Stephenson set an even higher challenge of hiring 20,000 veterans by 2020.
In addition, the AT&T Veterans Leadership Series organizes senior AT&T executives so they can provide employees who are veterans with practical advice on career, training, and business acumen.
We salute Randall Stephenson and AT&T for championing our returning service members.